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FABELhaft geborgen:
parent-child course for the 1st year of life

time : 8 x 75 min. – 220 Euro

language : German

Fabel® courses are developmental and bonding courses for the important first year of a child's life.

When a child is born, an endless number of questions arise.
What can I do to ensure that my baby develops well? Is my child getting enough sleep? How can I support my baby when he or she cries? When and how do I start complementary feeding?

During the transition to family life, parents are also often faced with questions about their own development:
How do I feel about my new role as a mother/father? How do other families deal with this new situation?
This Fabel® course offers space and time for the central topics of the first year of a family's life.

Parents and their babies meet once a week in a small group in a trusting atmosphere for discussion, play and observation, led by a Fabel® course leader.


What makes this course special?

With fun games, movement and songs for all the senses, children have the opportunity to try things out in an age-appropriate way

Together we discuss key topics such as sleep, nutrition (complementary food, breastfeeding, etc.), child development, crying and screaming, family health - but also everything that currently concerns you and your family in everyday life!

We consciously take time to observe your own child. You will become aware of your child's individuality and your eye will be sensitized to their very own pace of development. Mindful, non-judgmental observation without actively “playing” with the children brings amazing insights and valuable moments - away from the pressure of comparison with other children.

By alternating between playing together and observing, the contact between parents and child is deepened as the child's signals are better and better understood.  

The Fable course aims to help create a network in a relaxed atmosphere that can carry you through times of crisis and celebrate all the small and big joys together.

The focus is on joy. Conscious time with your baby, enthusiasm about the great skills of children, shared laughter, contact with parents of babies of the same age and mutual exchange characterize the Fabel courses


You can find all the dates of my courses in the calendar.


FABEL® stands for “family-centered baby-parent concept”. This concept was developed by the Gesellschaft für Geburtsvorbereitung - Familienbildung und Frauengesundheit - Bundesverband e.V. (GfG) with the support of the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA).


Kristin Stroehle :

​Tél :

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